logo_pic HYDRA: a HYper agent
for Dynamic compositional visual ReAsoning

Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University
*Equal Contribution
💥 Accepted to ECCV 2024.

The GitHub repository is released!

A multi-stage dynamic compositional visual reasoning framework designed for reliable and incrementally progressive general reasoning 🔥🔥🔥



Recent advances in visual reasoning (VR), particularly with the aid of Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs), show promise but require access to large-scale datasets and face challenges such as high computational costs and limited generalization capabilities. Compositional visual reasoning approaches have emerged as effective strategies; however, they heavily rely on the commonsense knowledge encoded in Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform planning, reasoning, or both, without considering the effect of their decisions on the visual reasoning process, which can lead to errors or failed procedures. To address these challenges, we introduce HYDRA, a multi-stage dynamic compositional visual reasoning framework designed for reliable and incrementally progressive general reasoning. HYDRA integrates three essential modules: a planner, a Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent serving as a cognitive controller, and a reasoner. The planner and reasoner modules utilize an LLM to generate instruction samples and executable code from the selected instruction, respectively, while the RL agent dynamically interacts with these modules, making high-level decisions on selection of the best instruction sample given information from the historical state stored through a feedback loop. This adaptable design enables HYDRA to adjust its actions based on previous feedback received during the reasoning process, leading to more reliable reasoning outputs and ultimately enhancing its overall effectiveness. Our framework demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in various VR tasks on four different widely-used datasets.


A multi-stage dynamic compositional visual reasoning framework designed for reliable and incrementally progressive general reasoning🔥🔥🔥.
  1. Cognitive Agent. Integrating a cognitive reinforcement learning-based agent as a controller into a framework to foster hyper decision-making and behavior across diverse environments, enhancing system cohesion, performance, and reasoning capabilities.
  2. Iterative Processing. Employing LLM as a natural language planner that enables the dynamic generation of valid instruction samples for iterative processing. The samples are vary in both the complexity and scope of perception tasks assigned with validity probabilities.
  3. Incremental Reasoning. Applying incremental reasoning, storing information from previous states aids both the LLM and RL agent in acquiring fine-grained visual information through VFMs and the visual-perception-to-text module, thereby refining their reasoning processes.
  4. Open-source. Our model and code base are publicly available in July 2024. Thanks you for staying tuned

logo_pic HYDRA: Framework

HYDRA Framework Overview

  1. State Memory Bank & Meta Information. All data, including code, instruction, and the output of the reasoner from former iteration, are stored in State Memory Bank. Meta information encompasses crucial data (i.e., skills, task).
  2. Planner Module. This module generates N natural language instruction samples with confidence probabilities.
  3. Controller Module. Dynamically interacting with other modules to facilitate hyper decision-making and functioning as a cognitive controller.
  4. Reasoner Module. Consists of an LLM as code generator and a code executor sub-module.
  5. Textualizer Module. It converts the perceptual output from the reasoner module into textual format.

Quantitative Results Quantitative Results

Performance on RefCOCO and RefCOCO+.
Type Method IoU(%)
Ref Ref+
E2E OWL-ViT 30.3 29.4
OWLv2 33.5 31.7
GLIP 55.0 52.2
ReCLIP 58.6 60.5
KOSMOS-2 57.4 50.7
Compositional Code-bison 44.4 38.2
ViperGPT 59.8 60.0
HYDRA 61.7 61.1
Performance on OK-VQA.
Type Method ACC(%)
E2E PNP-VQA 35.9
PICa 43.3
BLIP-2 45.9
Flamingo (9B) 44.7
MiniGPT-4 (13B) 37.5
LLaVA (13B) 42.5
InstructBLIP (13B) 47.9
Compositional IdealGPT 19.4
ViperGPT 40.7
HYDRA 48.6

Performance on GQA.
Type Method ACC(%)
E2E BLIP-2 45.5
MiniGPT-4 (13B) 30.8
LLaVA (13B) 41.3
PandaGPT (13B) 41.6
ImageBind-LLM (7B) 41.2
Compositional IdealGPT 41.7
ViperGPT 37.9
Ours 47.9
Generalization performance for the RL-Agent.
Method Train Test ACC(%)
ViperGPT -- OK-VQA 40.74

Qualitative Results Qualitative Results

Qualitative Results


  title={HYDRA: A Hyper Agent for Dynamic Compositional Visual Reasoning},
  author={Fucai Ke and Zhixi Cai and Simindokht Jahangard and Weiqing Wang and Pari Delir Haghighi and Hamid Rezatofighi},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},

